+27 21 761 4030 info@moravianchurch.co.za

District: Cape Town North

Members: 2229
Outstations: Modderriver 1960, 1st outstation – Non existent due to decline in membership and Darling with 200 members

1700 Henning Hüsing a meat contractor was given grazing rights. 1701 Governor WA van der Stel send 1 sergeant and 10 soldiers to protect farmers against maranding Buschmen/Khoi-Khoi. During the hunting season WA van der Stel stayed in the farm house (parsonage 1). The parsonage deteriorated until the Moravian Missionaries came.

27 March 1808 the Moravian Missionaries, Khorhammer and Schmidt held first sermon under a poplar tree for 100 Khoi-khoi people ate Louwskloof. A monument-stone was erected and it is still be found there today. 03 April 1808 the first sermon was held in the parsonage. The Khoi people were taught to read, write, sing and other skills. 31 August 1816 the corner stone of the Church was laid. 06 February 1818 was inauguration of the Church.

1854 Groenekloof was renamed as the Biblical Mamre. Khorhammer died in Genadendal of pneumonia. Hans Klapmuts leader of the Khoi-khoi at Louwskloof was Baptist at the age of almost 100 years old. His house was used as an isolation hospital at the time when small pocks broke out amongst the slave in 1839


Rev. C. Gordon

Cell: 073 312 7351

Tel: (H) 021 576 1117

Email: csgordon13@gmail.com

Rev. Mary Davids

081 048 126


Ac: Br. J. Titus, Br. H. Davids

062 763 4954 / 062 766 8651

(021) 576 0535

08 Church Street Mamre 7347

P.O. Box 2, Mamre 7347



Mamre Moravian Church
Beacon of Hope


Mamre: 09:00 am

Darling: 10:00 am

Malmesbury: 10:00 am

Beacon of Hope: 10:00 am


Mamre Brass Band
The brass band plays regularly at Sunday services and at funerals. They are affiliated to BBSA and take part in their festivals. Furthermore, they regularly perform at local events.

The band consists of young and old.

Br. Hilton Smith (Brass Band Leader)

Facebook: Mamre Moravian Brass

Mamre Church Choir
Mamre Sunday School
Mamre Youth Union
Mamre Brothers Union
Mamre Womens Union
Mamre Womens Choir