A cold Sunday morning which began with a prayer in solidarity with the Middle East where women and children are assassinated daily. The fullness of the synodal process can only truly exist if the local churches are involved in that process. It is not just an event, but also a process that involves in synergy between the People of God, the University of Bishops and the Bishops of Moravian Church of South Africa all under one roof.
The history of Moravian synods illustrates how much good these assemblies have brought to the church, but also how the time was ripe for a wider participation of the people of God in a decision making process that affects the whole of the Moravian Church. Church leaders are also prepared for a pushback from alienated and political people who seek to change church teachings, amid confusion over the precise goals for the Moravian Church of South Africa process.
During Day Two a selection for the Synod Integrity Committee was elected which will constitute and ensure that the integrity of the synod is contained accordingly.

Members of EMS (Evangelical Mission in Solidarity) with members of the MCSA